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Deniz Asset Management BIST 100 Equity Index Mutual Fund (Intensive Equity Fund) ( DZE )

It is a fund in which at least 80% of the fund's total value is constantly invested in BIST Dividend 25 Index shares and has at least 90% correlation with the index.

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Portföy Yapısı

The Fund's investment strategy; At least 80% of the total value of the fund is continuously invested in the shares of the BIST 100 Index. The capital market instruments to be invested in the management of the fund are selected by sampling the securities within the scope of the index within the framework of the calculation made in accordance with the formula in the Communiqué, with the correlation coefficient between the value of the BIST100 index and the unit share value of the fund being at least 90%. For more information,

Alım Satım İşlem Detay Yapısı

Purchase Transaction Details: T+1 (Business days, up to 13:30) T+2 (Business days, 13:30-16:00) Sales Transaction Detail: T+2 (Business days, up to 13:30) T+3 (Business days, 13:30-16:00)


Since the fund is equity intensive, the shares trading gains of real persons’ participation in the fund is 0%; legal entities' fund participation share trading earnings are subject to withholding at the rate of 0%. Click on the relevant fund description and investor information form,

Risk Seviyesi

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